The European Science Foundation will discuss at the Paris Forum about an European research agenda

The European Science Foundation will present Media in Europe: New Questions for research and policy at the Paris Forum. This document aims to identify a common European research agenda and to clarify the institutional frameworks that can contribute to the organizational cohesion of media research in Europe.
The document will be presented at the table Research and evaluation of media literacy in Europe , by Claudia Alvares, from the Lusophone University (Portugal) and Ola Erstad, University of Oslo.
The text highlights that future research in this area should take into account the complexity, fluidity and materiality of the processes related to media production and its impact on identity formation.
The European Science Foundation has placed media literacy in the focus of European media studies for the next ten years.The agency has developed an analysis of the main challenges of media studies through a 'Looks Forward', an instrument to define research agendas in Europe.
The 'Looks Forward' is an instrument designed by the European Science Foundation to develop medium and long-term visions and analysis of research developments with the aim of defining research agendas at European level.