EMEDUS, Translit, Medeanet and Filmed will present their progresses in the Paris Forum

The European Media Literacy Forum will host next May the presentation of the results of several European research projects.
The European Media Literacy Study (EMEDUS) , Showing films and other audio-visual content in European schools - Obstacles and best practices "(FilmEd), MEDEAnet and the project of the Sorbonne University ANR - TRANSLIT are some of the projects that will present their research findings (partial or total) on different areas of media literacy in Europe.
The project EMEDUS will present the results obtained in each of the work packages of the project at this conference: Formal media education, media education informally, average edu c ation and social inclusion.The last stage of the project have focused on the analysis of the results and the proposal of recommendations for the European Commission.
The project Filmed is currently identifying good practices in the use of films and other European audiovisual content in schools.
French research TRANSLIT coordinated by Divina Frau-Meigs , explores the socio-technical, political, economic and educational implications of the transliteracy phenomenon.This research is particularly focused on three types of events where it occurs transliteracy, to reveal its different levels and its dynamics, according scenarios of training situations in schools and training situations outside the school about specific events.
MEDEAnet aims to promote media-based learning to organisations and practitioners through local training and networking events, online resources and knowledge sharing.